Maiden Erlegh


Extra-Curricular Activities

Maiden Erlegh School is proud to be able to offer a wide and extensive selection of enrichment activities for our students.

Enrichment and extension activities are organised both before and after school. These include a full range of sporting, cultural and artistic activities, regular clubs and activities related to specific subjects. In addition, trips and visits during the school day, in the evening and over longer periods involving overnight stays all serve to add value to the taught curriculum.

In addition to enabling the students to place their learning in the context of the real world, we believe the benefits of participating in these activities in terms of personal development and honing leadership skills are invaluable.

Examples of enrichment opportunities include:

  • Weekly P.E. Fixtures - an up-to-date calendar for our fixtures can be found on the PE 'X' account (formally Twitter), every Sunday evening.
  • New Futures
  • World Challenge
  • Interact
  • Music Lessons
  • School Council
  • Celebration trips and events (e.g. to Thorpe Park)