Maiden Erlegh


Wraparound and holiday childcare

Wraparound childcare are activities and supervision which take place before school childcare and after school childcare (up to 6pm or later).

Holiday childcare is childcare that is available through schools during the school holidays.

Parents have a right to request wraparound provision up to the end of Year 9 from the school that their child attends.

If you wish to request wraparound provision you should write to the Head of the school in question.

In that letter you must:

  • State the name and year group of your child (Years 7 to 9)
  • State whether you are requesting care before school or after school (up to 6pm)
  • State when the childcare is most needed (eg: Winter months, particular days)
  • State if your request is related to a particular type of childcare (eg: breakfast club)

At the end of each term we will collate any requests that have come in.  Where we receive requests from 4% or more of Years 7 to 9 in any one year, we will review the requests.

The requests will be evaluated in light of:

  • The ability to provide activities/supervision which provide value for money and are affordable to parents.
  • The wider demand within the school which may make certain provision more viable.
  • The possibility of sharing provision with other local schools.

We would aim to make a decision within two weeks of the start of the Spring term and two weeks at the start of the Summer term.

Where we do not feel we can provide some or all of the requests, we will inform parents with reasons.

Where we feel we can move to providing some or all of the requests, we will inform parents of provisional costs and consult more widely to ensure there is firm demand.

We will then confirm the time scales in which we would aim to establish the care (given recruitment time scales etc) and the final costs.

We would aim to run a pilot of one term in the first instance and if demand is confirmed we would establish regular provision which would be reviewed on a six monthly basis.

In the meantime, all students are invited to participate in our extra-curricular programme:

Homework Club is open to all students Monday to Thursday until around 4pm.

There is a full enrichment programme with clubs typically running until around 4pm most afternoons which can be found here.