Maiden Erlegh School's Equality Information and Objectives can be found in the attachment below.
Maiden Erlegh School's Equality Objectives are to;
- Reduce, and where possible eliminate, any differences in performance, especially between boys and girls and between those with special educational needs or disabilities and their peers.
- Provide a range of learning opportunities to enhance cultural capital of all students, in particular those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
- Develop further structures to support students with behavioural and emotional conditions.
- Encourage students to establish and lead school groups or events aimed at promoting cultural understanding and mutual respect between those with different religions and beliefs.
- Continue our work with staff and students to ensure that discrimination, harassment and prejudice are not tolerated, and action is effective to prevent and deal with them.
- Provide a school environment where all stakeholders feel comfortable irrespective of their background.
Our Accessibility Plan is available on our Key Policies page along with other relevant policies.