Maiden Erlegh


Student Voice

At Maiden Erlegh we strongly believe that every single student has a voice that should be heard, therefore our student voice program allows students to share who they are and what they believe in. There are a number of different ways that students can contribute to the improvement of both the school and local community.    

Please find further information about Maiden Erlegh student voice programme for 2023-2024 below. If you are interested in taking part, please speak to Mr Thomas.

2023/24 Programme

Student  Council Students can be selected as tutor representatives and attend half termly meetings. All students are welcome to attend. More information about the dates and locations of meetings can be found on the Student Council Google Classroom.
Student Mentors

Students can be involved in mentoring programmes to support younger students. No previous experience is necessary as long as you are enthusiastic!







Any students who would like to know more about the student voice program should speak to Mr Thomas.