Maiden Erlegh


Year 8 STEAM Lego Mindstorm Challenge – Thales

In April,  we were very fortunate to host Thales who delivered a Lego Mindstorm Challenge to some of our Year 8 students. The event involved students building, programming and commanding Lego robots in a fun and engaging way. Students were soon in control of robots that drive, shoot, slither, walk, slam, and spin – to name just a few of the actions that come with this challenge. Thales also brought with them some of their current apprentices to help support and engage with the students and this also provided a great opportunity to explore potential STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Design and Mathematics) future career destinations.

Rachel, 8E2 said “representatives from Thales came into school to show us the Lego Mindstorms equipment and we got to build our own robot using software on a tablet which was linked to a coded box on the robot. We learnt about how each of the different parts works, for instance the use of sensors to inform the robots when there was something near. It was an amazing experience that enabled me to see how STEM subjects can apply to the real world.”

We thank Thales for supporting our students with this exciting opportunity.