Maiden Erlegh


Subject Intent and Implementation


Curriculum Intent

  • All students will make strong progress in languages.
  • Take up of MFL for students arriving with APS KS2 100+ will be 85% by 2025.
  • Take-up of languages post-16 will remain at least stable.
  • Students with home language proficiency will be supported to take GCSE in yr11.
  • Students will learn about countries/culture where their languages are taught (Cultural Capital).
  • Students will enjoy language learning and be confident communicators in both the target language and English.
  • Language learning will support understanding grammatical constructs.
  • Reading and oracy strategies will support the school’s wider strategies.
  • Students will be given opportunities to have exposure to authentic speakers and foreign visits.
  • Quality first teaching and assessment for learning will be strong.
  • The language curriculum will support knowledge and understanding of healthy living, the environment, cultural understanding and respect of others.
  • The language curriculum will develop soft/interpersonal skills of collaborative work, communication in different registers and oral presentation.
  • Students will be made aware of the career opportunities opened up by gaining language qualifications.

Curriculum Implementation

  • Target Language will be the regular form of communication in lessons.
  • Students’ spontaneous use of language will be encouraged.
  • Clear routines/expectations in place for transitions, presentation or work/DIRT, pair/group activities, beginnings and ends of lessons.
  • Vocabulary tests will be regularly carried out
  • Rote learning techniques will be taught and a knowledge of vocabulary and structures will be a regularly assessed in lessons.
  • Shared reading and oracy practice are drivers for developing independent writing from the start of Y7.
  • Students will be given ample opportunities to read extended texts with a view to develop decoding, inference and vocabulary acquisition.
  • Knowledge/skills reviews will take place after each sequence of learning.
  • Students will be trained to select and use resources independently (BBBB).
  • Students will reminded of expectations with regards to presentation and quality of work.
  • Use of departmental feedback/code will support students’ progress.
  • Homework will be used to consolidate and extend knowledge and skills.
  • Teachers will ensure that students understand the place of each learning within sequences of learning.
  • Effective questioning will allow students from all backgrounds and abilities to contribute.
  • DA and other “at risk” students will be included in group or class discussions.
  • Questions will support developed answers and challenging questions for the most able.
  • Written questions will enable all students to practise and stretch their learning appropriately.