Maiden Erlegh


Target Bullying

At Maiden Erlegh we TARGET bullying

We adopt a zero tolerance approach to bullying and will react quickly to any reports we receive.  Mr T Stewart (Assistant Headteacher) is the member of staff responsible for our Anti Bullying Programme in school. 

Students are encouraged to report their concerns to a teacher, their Head of Year or a trusted adult. They can also use our dedicated email address, which Mr Stewart monitors:

Target Bullying Assemblies

At the start of each year all students have an assembly, where we look at what bullying is, the types of bullying there are and what to do if they think they are being bullied or are concerned about another student.

Anti-Bullying Week

As a school we will support the National Anti-Bullying Week, that takes place each year.  This year Anti-Bullying Week is Monday 11 - Friday 15 November 2024.

Anti-Bullying Week 2024: Choose Respect

United Against Bullying 

The United Against Bullying programme is the Anti-Bullying Alliance’s whole-school anti-bullying programme. It supports schools to reduce bullying and improve the wellbeing of all children, focusing on those most at risk, including children and young people with SEND, children and young people who experience racist and faith-targeted bullying, sexual bullying, homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying, looked-after children, young carers and those on free school meals. The overall aim of the programme is to establish United Against Bullying Schools. These are schools that have evidenced their work to reduce bullying and improve the wellbeing of all pupils.

Policy and More Useful Links

For full details please see our Anti-Bullying Policy on the Key Policies page.

Additional help and guidance can be found here: The National Bullying Helpline

Anti Bullying Alliance (link is here:

Alternatively if any parent or student has reason to be concerned about a child or young person, they can contact Miss C Burns, Deputy Headteacher, who is the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead.