Maiden Erlegh


Post-Results Services

The exams office will be staffed for summer 2024 results queries and post-results services on 15, 16, 21, 22 August, and from 2 September.                                                                                                                                                                                . 

Please read the information on the school website student>examinations pages, and the relevant service request forms before sending an enquiry to the exams office.

Concerned about your grade?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       If you think an error has been made in your grade, you may request a post-result service.                                                                                                                  Post-results services information is available here:  JCQ-Post-Results-Services-2024.pdf
Note that individual candidates cannot request a review of moderation.

POSSIBLE OUTCOMES - each clerical re-check or review of marking service may lead to marks or grades being lowered, confirmed or raised so please consult a member of teaching staff and think carefully before requesting these services. Once a service has been requested on your behalf, you are bound by the outcome, so please think carefully before requesting a service.

If a university place is at stake, we advise you to request a priority review of marking by 11.00 Friday 16 August.  Don’t delay by requesting a priority script (exam paper) or clerical re-check first.

All requests and consents must be submitted on the relevant Google form (except by external candidates who should request a PDF form from the exams office).

To access the post-results service forms the candidate must login to their Google Classroom account (which for leavers will remain alive until 1 November 2024).
External candidates should contact the exams office

Request ONE subject per form and up to three components/units. Service prices are shown in the relevant request and consent form and in Parent Pay SHOP.   All service requests have deadlines (which are earlier than the exam board's deadlines).

All services must be paid for in ParentPay SHOP  (not in a ParentPay account):   Maiden Erlegh School Shop (  
Service prices in the shop include a transaction and admin fee. 

All service requests and correct payments must be received by the relevant time and deadline shown below.


PRIORITY A Level Review of Marking request deadline - 12:00, Wednesday 21 August 2024.                                                                                               Priority review requests received by 11:00, Friday 16 August, will be processed that day.                                                                                                          Other priority review requests will be processed by Thursday 22 August.                                                                                                                                       Priority reviews of marking are available only for A Level /Lvl 3.

PRIORITY A Level script request deadline                                                                                                                                                                                                                - marked script to aid decision on non-priority review - 12:00, Wednesday 21 August 2024  

PRIORITY GCSE script request deadline                                                                                                                                                                                                                    - marked script to aid decision on non-priority review - Tuesday 03 September 2024

ALL OTHER post-results services request deadline - Thursday 19 September 2024                                                                                                                            -Clerical re-check, review of marking                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -marked script consent for teaching & learning and/or for candidate

To access the post-results request forms the candidate must login to their Google Classroom account (which for leavers will remain alive until 1 November 2024).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     External candidates should contact the exams office.

Post-results services request  FORM
(incl. priority marked script)

Marked Script Consent FORM

Parent Pay SHOP 
(not Parent Pay account)


Maiden Erlegh School Shop     (


Clerical re-check and review of marking services payments will be refunded*
if the candidate:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
• has been issued an overall grade for the qualification and this changes as a result of a clerical re-check or a review of marking, or                                 • has not been issued an overall grade for the qualification and their notional unit grade changes because of a clerical re-check or a review of marking. 

 *Note that this applies to re-checks or reviews requested on the same service form.