Maiden Erlegh


Careers & Destinations

Personal Profile

Each Year 12 student is provided with an electronic Personal Profile which they will work on throughout Year 12 and Year 13. Please see an copy of this below. 

A copy of the presentation that was shared with the Year 12 students is also provided below. 

The aim of the personal profile is to:
• Equip students for future applications and interviews, by enabling them to identify and speak confidently about the wealth of skills and experience they have.
• Deliver a series of tasks that encourage students to reflect upon and develop knowledge and skills, to support individuals to achieve their goals.
• Provide students with the tools to set themselves apart from other candidates in the ever competitive world of applications and interviews.
• Offer students guidance regarding where, and how, to access careers and destinations support.
• Provide dedicated time, within school, when they can speak with their tutor and focus on their post-18 options.

We expect students to actively engage with the careers and destinations programme and are sure that they will recognise and reap the benefits of their engagement as they apply for courses, apprenticeships and jobs, and prepare for interviews. Tutor sessions are designed with a focus rather than specific tasks to be completed each session, to give student the flexibility to research and explore further in their own time as well. Tasks within student’s electronic ‘Personal Profile’ are not intended to be completed all at once but rather throughout Year 12 and Year 13.

Other Information

We start our ‘Future Pathways’ process in Year 12. We organise a series of Careers Seminars led by professionals from a wide range of sectors. We also hold an annual Careers Fair, which has representatives from local Further Education providers, some universities and local apprenticeship employers. In the Summer term, we start the formal process for those aspiring to university or advanced or degree level apprenticeships. Our specialist advisors lead on a programme of support and guidance so that students can make successful applications. The tutor is responsible for writing the student’s UCAS, apprenticeship or work reference and they will also provide coaching on the writing of personal statements and application letters.

Work experience and work related learning

We expect all students to undertake formal work experience, usually in Year 12. It must be approved by us as part of the wider scheme of work related learning. We strongly recommend that students arrange their own work experience placements. This will ensure that students will benefit from developing important employability skills such as good communication, presentation skills and writing a CV. Students will also gain a better understanding of the application, interview and recruitment process. Information, advice and guidance will be offered throughout the process. If a student is unable to find a placement despite their best efforts, the school can arrange it on their behalf. See below for a presentation that provides further details.