Maiden Erlegh



The Pastoral Leadership team can be found below.

We are very proud of the quality of our pastoral care which means that despite the size of the school, students are known and valued as individuals. Each student is part of a tutor group and has their own personal tutor in Foundation (Year 7 and Year 8) and in Key Stage Four (Years 9 to 11). In the Sixth Form we have a specialist tutor team in Years 12 and 13.

Each group of tutors is led by a Pastoral Leader, who is responsible for coordinating support for the year group in their academic work, but also ensuring they have access to leadership and enrichment opportunities. To this end, they are supported by Activity Leaders who organise events and competitions throughout the year. Staff and students agree that these opportunities are exceptional and by joining in, students’ experience of the school is significantly enriched.


Year Group

Assistant Head Teacher

Key Stage

Head of Year


Mr B Garner

Mr T Crockford


Mr D Pringle


Mrs J Bhadye and Mr T Stewart

Mr S Bryant


Mr P Gillett

Miss E Kelly


Mr P Gillett

Miss E Avery


Miss A Cheshire

Mrs C Hill/Mrs L Garner


Miss K Birch/Miss A Borthwick