Maiden Erlegh



In Mathematics we are proud of the excellent progress our students make.   We are lucky to have a strong, dedicated mathematics team who ensure that students enjoy their maths lessons and are committed to building students’ fluency and confidence.

Students are set in ability groups from year 7.  We use teacher judgement and assessments to check that students are correctly placed so they thrive in our subject.  In class, as well as learning mathematical knowledge, the students are encouraged to develop their problem solving, communication, visualisation and logical thinking skills.

At Key Stage 4 we follow the Edexcel specification for GCSE.  At Key Stage 5 we offer A-levels in Mathematics and Further Mathematics (both Edexcel specification).

Each year students are encouraged to take part in the UK Mathematics Challenge at junior, intermediate and senior level. In the past students have had great success in this event.  

Homework is set each week.  Year 7 and year 8 students are set a task on  Students in years 9, 10 and 11 are set a task on  In addition, students have access to enrichment videos, articles and problems on their google classroom page.

We help students achieve success through high quality teaching.  Our lessons offer regular recall opportunities, and our schemes of work are designed to promote deep understanding of the topics studied.

We are delighted that mathematics and further mathematics are popular choices for A level.  We feel this is a reflection of our students’ enjoyment of mathematics.