GCSE Results 2019
Headteacher is incredibly proud of the class of 2019 achievements
Year 11 students at Maiden Erlegh have achieved a wonderful set of results this summer and these are a reward for the dedication, commitment and hard work shown by our students, not just in Year 11, but across their time here at the school. I hope they are able to celebrate these successes with friends and family and it allows them to move on to their chosen next destinations. There were some outstanding individual successes including: Arjan C who gained 9 grade 9’s and 1 grade 8, Temi B gained 8 grade 9’s, 2 grade 8’s and 1 grade 7, Anna M achieved 8 grade 9’s, 2 grade 8’s, 1 grade 7, Jake S who gained 7 grade 9’s, 3 grade 8’s, 1 grade 6 and Naina B with 7 grade 9’s, 2 grade 8’s, 2 grade 7’s.
The results as a whole for the school have at least matched, and in some areas improved on those from last year including a 3 % increase in students achieving 4+ in English and Maths, 1% increase at 5+ in English and Maths and a superb 16% increase in students achieving the English Baccalaureate. Our progress 8 score is predicted to be at least in line with last year which placed us in the top 300 schools nationally for progress. On average our students this year gained just below a grade 6 across their exams.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff for the support they have shown the students and the parents for working with us to help their children. However, most of all I would like to shout a huge well done to all of our students picking up their results today – I wish you all the best on your next steps whether it is here at our 6th form or elsewhere.
Mr Gibson
4+ in English and Maths 87%
5+ in English and Maths 65%
Attainment 8 57.44
Pupils achieving EBACC 52%