Maiden Erlegh


Eco Week

We are excited to announce that the week commencing Monday 27 March be holding our very first Eco Week! We will be raising money for the World Land Trust.
Some of the activities that will be happening during Eco Week:

  • Bake Sale Tuesday 28 March after school under the covered way by reception; minimum donation of 50p per item (cash only).
  • Fun Run Thursday 30 March after school we are asking for a £3 donation. Payments should be made using ParentPay, which can be accessed via the following link: com/, by Friday 16 April 2023.

Should you have any issues with your access please contact us on the following email address:

There will be vouchers for the winning individuals, plus house points available for all who participate, running or walking. If your child would like to take part they will need to change into PE kit after class and meet on the field.