Extraordinary INSET Day – Friday 4 April 2025
Friday 4 April 2025 is an extraordinary INSET day across all Maiden Erlegh Trust (MET) schools. On this day, all our schools will be closed to students to allow staff to participate in comprehensive Class Charts training.
What is Class Charts?
Class Charts is an intuitive system designed to enhance how we manage attendance, behaviour, and homework.
Having trialed it at Maiden Erlegh School in Reading we know it works and that it will streamline communication between school and home, making it easier for families to stay informed and support their child’s learning.
Why is Class Charts important?
It will help parents and carers by:
✅ Improving transparency and giving real-time insights into their child’s school experience.
✅ Simplifying homework management, making it easier to see what has been set and to support learning.
It will help our school teams by:
✅ Providing class teachers with the tools they need in the moment to enhance communication and classroom management / support better outcomes for students
✅ Enhancing consistency in how we monitor and manage attendance and behaviour across all MET schools.
When will Class Charts launch?
Class Charts will go live across all MET schools on Tuesday 22 April 2025, following the Easter break.
More information on how to access the Class Charts platform will be shared with parents and carers closer to the launch date.
Students will receive in-school support to help them use the system effectively.
Thank you for your understanding and support as we implement this new platform, which we are confident will bring significant benefits to students, parents, and our wider school community.