Key Stage 4 PE
Welcome to the Key Stage 4 Physical Education section. In Key Stage 4 all students continue to take part in core PE lessons.
In Year 10 and 11 we offer a student centred approach, where the students can choose the pathway which suits their individual needs, such as Leading, Traditional games, Alternative games or Fitness.
We also offer students a chance to pursue a GCSE in Physical Education or Dance.
At KS4 we are studying the new Edexcel GCSE Physical Education specification covering the following:
Component 1 – Applied anatomy and physiology, movement analysis and physical training.
Component 2 – Health, fitness and wellbeing, sports psychology and socio-cultural influences.
We also cover numerous practical activities within the course and create a Personal Exercise Programme.
For more information on the Key Stage 4 Physical Education pathway please see below.
Mr J Flynn - Head of Department