Maiden Erlegh


Learning, Teaching and Assessment


“Success is a journey, not a destination.” - Arthur Ashe (1943-93), Tennis champion.

We are all on a learning journey, and we are delighted that most of our young people accompany us for seven years of theirs.

To ensure that the learning journey is stimulating, enjoyable and maximises the chances of success, we work hard to ensure that:

  • students have access to a broad, balanced curriculum, offering a range of courses that are appropriate to their strengths, needs and aspirations.
  • teachers utilise their expertise to sequence learning, promote deep thinking and allow learners to master the knowledge and skills that help them to achieve, and that they can carry with them through life.
  • students develop skills and fluency so that they can become effective independent learners wherever possible.
  • students are both supported and challenged where necessary.
  • students and parents/carers know and understand how end of Key Stage performance data can help to guide further progress.
  • students and parents/carers know and understand how progress can happen, and how it can be sustainable.
  • teachers and teaching assistants understand how they can help every student in their care to progress along their personal learning journey.


For guidance on how we set appropriate homework please download our Home Learning Provision and documents below;

Maiden Erlegh School is committed to supporting students in achieving their full academic potential. On-going assessment plays a vital role in ensuring that this happens.

At the start of each Key Stage, students set themselves a target in discussion with their teachers. This is based on a "realistically aspirational" grade which reflects what similar students nationally might aspire to. Regular assessment helps us monitor students’ progress; it helps to shape learning and teaching activities. In addition, students receive regular feedback on their work, which they are encouraged to reflect carefully upon before working to action targets that they are given. The aim here is for students to continue making progress, with our guidance and support.

We regularly feedback this information to parents/carers and students and the main ways of doing this are:


Each year group in school receives three data reports during each academic year. These contain student targets and a current attainment and/or predicted grade. Parent App also provides parents and students with information about attendance, behaviour and pastoral achievements as well as the timetable. Parents and students can access the Parent App at any time to see this “live” data.

Click  here to see our Assessment and Reporting Statement

Progress Meetings

Once a year, students and parents/carers are invited to a calendared online meeting with subject staff. The purpose of this is to discuss targets, progress, and strategies for improvement. Parents/carers and students may request additional appointments with teachers at any point throughout the year.

Sixth Form Reviews

In the sixth form, subject teachers will provide review grades each half term, which tutors and students will use as a basis for a discussion about progress and to set improvement targets. During tutor reviews, staff also discuss career aspirations and how the student might best prepare for work, an apprenticeship or university study.


Helpful  tips and recommended guides on "how to revise" for GCSE's  are available  to support students with their revision techniques. These can be found in the link below.

  How to Revise GCSE Guides